Monday, May 10, 2010

apple butter,,,,,

Take equal parts of sweet cider, boiled-down one-half, and fine juicy apples, pared and quartered--2 gallons or the boiled-down cider and 2 gallons of the prepared fruit. Put the cider in a large kettle (never use brass or bell-metal) and boil down, then add the fruit, boil for two hours. When the fruit begins to settle arrange to have it cook more slowly, stirring gently until done. A large wooden spoon or a paddle made for the purpose must be used. Cook until it is a smooth brown pulp, like a thin marmalade; one-half hour before removing from the fire, add 8 heaping tablespoonfuls of ground cinnamon and 1 tablespoonful of allspice. (If the spice is boiled in from the first it will lost its flavor.) Four pints of brown sugar to the above amount of fruit. Some cooks prefer to omit the sugar. When cold put in large stone jars closely covered. If sufficiently boiled it will keep a year or more. This quantity may be doubled or quadrupled at pleasure. Two or three quarts more of apple may be added to first two gallons, if the cider will admit of it.
 found here